
This collection contains, in a large number of editions, the core of the Ius Commune, the received Roman law, which was taught as 'learned law' at almost all legal faculties in Europe from the thirteenth century onwards. In addition, this collection contains local and regional legal sources, including legal commentaries and proclamations, and monthly and weekly magazines.


Deze collectie herbergt in een groot aantal edities de kern van het Ius Commune, het gerecipieerde Romeinse recht, dat als ‘geleerd recht’ vanaf de dertiende eeuw aan vrijwel alle juridische faculteiten in Europa werd onderwezen. Daarnaast bevat deze collectie lokale en regionale rechtsbronnen waaronder juridische commentaren en proclamaties, maand- en weekbladen.


  • Tribunalen in Nederland

    Contains reports of trials against collaborators in post-war Netherlands and provides an overview of the most important judgments of the Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie and the sententies of various Kamers van de Bijzondere Gerechtshoven. Compiled by G.C.M. van Nijnatten and H.J.J. van den Burg, NOR comprises five volumes and is a valuable source for insights into post-war jurisprudence in the Netherlands. It covers important legal issues such as the interpretation of offences and concepts, including 'exposing to', 'taking economic advantage', 'aiding the enemy', and more.
  • Na-oorlogsche rechtspraak

    Contains reports of trials against collaborators in post-war Netherlands and provides an overview of the most important judgments of the Bijzondere Raad van Cassatie and the sententies of various Kamers van de Bijzondere Gerechtshoven. Compiled by G.C.M. van Nijnatten and H.J.J. van den Burg, NOR comprises five volumes and is a valuable source for insights into post-war jurisprudence in the Netherlands. It covers important legal issues such as the interpretation of offences and concepts, including 'exposing to', 'taking economic advantage', 'aiding the enemy', and more
  • Rechtsherstel

    After the discontinuation of the publication “Tribunalen in Nederland en andere na-oorlogsche rechtspraak” the case law of the Afdeling Rechtspraak was included as an appendix to the monthly journal 'Rechtsherstel' from 1 January 1951. 'Rechtsherstel' was the monthly organ of the Raad voor het Rechtsherstel, published by Drukkerij en Uitgeverij. De Hofstad N.V. This publication contains case law by the Raad voor Rechtsherstel regarding claims and applications under the decree E 100. The Council had the authority to investigate, annul, or restore legal relations that had been forcibly created or modified during the occupation, upon the request of interested parties. An integral part of the Council was the Afdeling Onroerende Goederen, responsible for examining disputes related to real estate. However, this division ceased to exist in 1959. The establishment of the Raad voor Rechtsherstel and the Besluit herstel rechtsverkeer were responses to the civil law problems that emerged as a result of the wartime occupation. The government in London determined that new measures were necessary to swiftly and effectively address these issues. The decree provided a faster alternative to regular civil proceedings, assisting individuals who had been deceived and deprived of their property or rights during the war.
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